Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Now That I Know - August 19, 2008

This semester is going to be rough. My inability to deny myself the opportunity to do just about anything is going to catch up to me.

In the spring, I was elected to head up the largest student organization on campus. I thought the position just a spot on the map of my year, but it has turned out to be so much more. After attending a conference a few weeks ago, I was given a challenge. Inasmuch as I am goal-oriented, I tend to rise to challenges with far more fervor. At this conference, I was approached by an alumnae of my school, who held my position many years ago. This person "told" me about her success, and the lasting chapter recruitment record of 155 new members. I of course aim for 156.

I was also deemed worthy enough to take over the Law School newspaper as Editor-in-Chief.

As if these extracurriculars were not enough, I was selected for membership on a Law Journal. As anybody who has served as a staff member on these publications will attest: my life is over.

Now, let's discuss my classes (yes, I am actually enrolled in courses). I have three four-unit classes, one three-unit class and one unit for the Journal class.
Family Law, Evidence, Criminal Procedure and Constitutional Law will run my life for the next few months. There will surely be some great stories this semester.

Today marks the point in time in which I have experienced each of my new classes for the first time. Sadly, I have no idea where the classes will take me and how much I will like them. So: not much to report just yet.

Did I mention my clerkship?

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